11th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop
5-8 June 2014, Znojmo, Czech Republic
List of posters
- Miroslav Gavenda, Lucie Celechovská, Miloslav Dušek and Radim Filip:
Quantum noise eater for a single photonic qubit
- Gábor Balló and Katalin Hangos:
Experiment design for d-level Pauli channel estimation
Dariusz Kurzyk and Piotr Gawron:
Quantum queuing networks
Przemysław Sadowski:
Grover's search on Apollonian networks
Bálint Kollár and Mátyás Koniorczyk:
Entropy rate of discrete time quantum walks
Łukasz Pawela and Przmysław Sadowski:
Different methods of optimizing control pulses for quantum systems with decoherence
Shenggen Zheng:
Revisit superiority of exact quantum automata for promise problems
Martin Plesch and Matej Pivoluska:
Device Independent Amplification of a Single Min--Entropy Random Source
Cosmo Lupo, Mark Wilde and Seth Lloyd:
From quantum data locking to the quantum enigma machine
Mikko Tukiainen and Teiko Heinosaari:
Quantum programming and compression
Karen V. Hovhannisyan, Marti Perarnau-Llobet, Marcus Huber and Antonio Acin:
The role of entanglement in work extraction
Sergey Filippov and Mário Ziman:
To fight fire with fire: a tale of how local noise prolongs entanglement lifetime
Ryszard Weinar, Marcin Pawlowski:
Security of SDI protocol
Nikolajs Nahimovs, Andris Ambainis and Renato Portugal:
Spatial Search on Grids with Minimum Memory
Stefan Schauer and Martin Suda:
On the Optimality of Basis Transformations to Secure Entanglement Swapping Based QKD Protocols
Piotr Gawron, Łukasz Pawela and Zbigniew Puchała:
Restricted numerical ranges and numerical shadows - numerical methods
Sandra Rankovic, Yeong-Cherng Liang and Renato Renner:
The alternate ticks time game
László Ruppert, Vladyslav Usenko and Radim Filip:
Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution with efficient channel estimation
Subhadipa Das, Manik Banik, Md. Rajjak Gazi, Ashutosh Rai and Samir Kunkri:
Local Orthogonality provides better upper bound for Hardy’s nonlocality
Felipe G. Lacerda, Joseph M. Renes and Renato Renner:
Classical leakage resilience from fault-tolerant quantum computation
Nicolai Friis, Vedran Dunjko, Wolfgang Dür and Hans J. Briegel:
Implementing quantum control for unknown subroutines
Michal Mičuda, Michal Sedlák, Ivo Straka, Martina Miková, Miloslav Dušek, Miroslav Ježek and Jaromír Fiurášek:
Efficient estimation of fidelity of N-qubit controlled-Z gates
Tom Bullock and Paul Busch:
Joint position-momentum measurements with entangled probes
Denis Vasilyev, Sebastian Hofer and Klemens Hammerer:
Time-Continuous Bell Measurements
Waldemar Klobus, Andrzej Grudka, Karol Horedecki, Michal Horodecki and Marcin Pawłowski:
Relation between random access codes and (non-)signaling boxes
Martina Miková, Michal Sedlák, Ivo Straka, Michal Mičuda, Mário Ziman, Miroslav Ježek, Miloslav Dušek and Jaromír Fiurášek:
Optimal entanglement-assisted discrimination of quantum measurements
Lukasz Czekaj, Anna Przysiezna, Michal Horodecki and Pawel Horodecki:
Quantum metrology: Heisenberg limit with bound entanglement
reflected by its so called unlockability poperty.
Junghee Ryu, James Lim, Sunghyuk Hong and Jinhyoung Lee:
Nonclassicality for discrete system by using quasiprobability function
Ondrej Černotík and Jaromír Fiurášek:
Transformations of continuous-variable entangled states of light
Sergey Bravyi, Libor Caha, Ramis Movassagh, Daniel Nagaj and Peter W. Shor:
Criticality without frustration for quantum spin-1 chains
Christoph Hirche and Ciara Morgan:
Efficient achievability for quantum protocols using decoupling theorems
András Gilyén, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex and Gernot Alber:
Complex chaos with positive Lyapunov exponents emerging from selective qubit protocols
Zbigniew Puchała, Łukasz Rudnicki, Karol Życzkowski:
Strong Majorization Entropic Uncertainty Relations
Wojciech Slomczynski and Anna Szczepanek:
Maximum dynamical entropy and Hadamard matrices
Erkka Haapasalo, Juha-Pekka Pellonpää and Roope Uola:
Compatibility properties of extreme quantum observables
Stefan Baeuml, Matthias Christandl, Karol Horodecki and Andreas Winter:
Limitations on Quantum Key Repeaters
Viktor Eisler and Zoltán Zimborás:
Area law violation for the mutual information in a nonequilibrium steady state
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