
19th CEQIP workshop, June 03-06 2024, Skalica, Slovakia

Monday, 03.06.2024
13:30-16:00 Conference Bus from Vienna Airport
17:00-18:45 EVENING SESSION (chaired by C)
17:00-17:40 I Giulio Chiribella tba
17:40-18:20 I Marcin Pawlowski tba
18:20-18:45 C Stefan Baeuml: Security of continuous variable QKD with discrete modulation
19:00 WELCOME DINNER AND WINE (Vino Masaryk, Sasinkova 18A, Skalica)

Tuesday, 04.06.2024
08:00-08:45 Breakfast
09:00-12:30 MORNING SESSION (chaired by E)
09:00-09:40 I Teiko Heinosaari tba
09:40-10:05 C Miguel Navascues: First-order optimality conditions for non-commutative optimization problems
10:05-10:30 C Martin Plávala: All incompatible measurements on qubits lead to multiparticle Bell nonlocality
10:30-10:55 C Paweł Cieśliński: On the Polygamous Nature of Quantum Nonlocality
10:55-11:30 Coffee & Refreshment
11:30-12:10 I Michal Oszmianec tba
12:10-12:35 C Lin Htoo Zaw: Certifying Non-Gaussian Entanglement With Conditional Displacement Gates
12:35-13:00 C Zoltán Kolarovszki: Piquasso: A Photonic Quantum Computer Simulation Software Platform
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 AFTERNOON SESSION (chaired by Q)
14:00-14:40 I Sergey Filippov tba
14:40-15:05 C Mateus Araújo: Quantum key distribution rates from non-symmetric conic optimization
15:05-15:30 C Fionnuala Curran: Maximal intrinsic randomness of a quantum state
15:30-15:55 C Santiago Llorens: Quantum multi-anomaly detection
15:55-16:30 Coffee & Refreshment
16:00-18:30 POSTER SESSION
18:30 DINNER RAUT (Conference venue)
19:00-23:00 CIPHER GAME (18:30 registration)

Wednesday, 05.06.2024
08:00-08:45 Breakfast
09:00-12:30 MORNING SESSION (chaired by I)
09:00-09:40 I Mark Hillery tba
09:40-10:00 C Ivor Kresic: Generating interatomic entanglement via photon-mediated self-organization in a condensate
10:05-10:30 C Lorenzo Catani: Alternative robust ways of witnessing nonclassicality in the simplest scenario
10:30-10:35 Group photo
10:35-11:00 Coffee & Refreshment
11:00-11:25 C Gerard Anglès Munné: SDP bounds for quantum codes
11:25-11:50 C Sang-Jun Park: Random Covariant Quantum Channels
11:50-12:15 C Libor Caha: A colossal advantage: 3D-local noisy shallow quantum circuits defeat unbounded fan-in classical circuits
12:20-13:00 Lunch
13:30-18:30 CONFERENCE BOAT TRIP (Skalica -⛴- Strážnice -⛴- Petrov)
19:00-23:00 CONFERENCE DINNER (Plže, Petrov)

Thursday, 06.06.2024
08:00-08:45 Breakfast
09:15-10:30 MORNING SESSION (chaired by P)
09:15-09:40 C Pierre Botteron: Algebra of Nonlocal Boxes and the Collapse of Communication Complexity
09:40-10:05 C Oskari Kerppo: Maximal Elements of Quantum Communication
10:05-10:30 C Giuseppe Viola: Quantum Strategies for Rendezvous and Domination Tasks on Graphs with Mobile Agents
10:30-11:00 Take Away Refreshment
11:00-14:00 Conference bus to Vienna Airport
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